Remembering those who have gone before us...
EM1 Henry Adkins -- E Div. - 1965/1966
CW04 Herman E. "Ned" Allen, USN (Ret.) -- EMO - 1969/1972
ET2 (SW) Michael Andujar, -- OE Div. - 1985/1989 - July 2014
MMCM Eugene J. Artzer Jr, USN (Ret.), -- MMCS - M Div. - 1979/1981 - 20 November 2011
CAPT Fred W. Bailey, USN (Ret.) -- CAPT - Preble's twelfth CO - 1978/1980 - 20 June 2011
EW2 John W. Baker -- OW Div. - 1981/1984 - 13 July 2009
CSCM Wallace E. Baker, USN (Ret.) -- S2 - 1964/1965
FTCS Salvatore M. Baldino, USN (Ret.) -- FT1 - 1960/1962 - 1960 Plank
GMC (SW) Howard Barry, USN
(Ret.) -- GMM2 - 4th Div. - 1980/1982 - 21 August 2020
CAPT John S. Berg, USN (Ret.) --
LCDR - Weapons Officer - 1971/1974 - December 2004
FCC David M. Berry, USN (Ret.) -- FTG2 - 1969/1974 - 1970 Plank Owner -
FCCM Scott Bibeault, USN (Ret.) -- FTM2 - 1975/1979 - May 2015
FCCM (SW) Richard T. Birch, USN (Ret.) -- FTMC - 4th Div. - 1980/1983 - 27 August 2011
SN Steven Birch, USN -- 1st Div. - 1977/1979 - Killed in
a motorcycle accident in Hawaii in 1979
CAPT Peveril Blundell. USN (Ret.) --
CDR - Preble's eighth CO - 1971/1973 - October 2003
LTJG Edward L. Borden -- LTJG -
1960/1962 - 1960 Plank Owner
FTMC (SW) Michael G. Bordua, USN (Ret.) -- FTMC - 4th Div. - 1979/1982 - 3 August 2018
CAPT Alva M. Bowen, Jr., USN (Ret.) -- CDR - Preble's fourth CO - 1964/1966 - 14 December 2011
BM3 Arnie "Tom" Bradley -- 1st Div. - 1970/1972 - 1970 Plank Owner - 2004
HMC Wallace W. Brown, USN (Ret.)-- NX Div. 1960/1961 1960 Plank Owner - December 2005
SA Harry D. Bumpus -- 1st Div. - 1962 - October 2005
LCDR William M. Calhoun, USN (Ret.) --
RMCS - OC Div. 1960/1962 - 1960 Plank Owner
CDR A.R. Cameron, USN (Ret.) --
Preble's third CO - 1963/1964
ETN3 Richard A. Carstenson -- OE Div. - Killed in a bicycle accident on
13 November 1974
DS2 Paul Coldren -- OD Div. - 1977/1980 - 17 November 2017
BT3 Roy O'Neal Cothran -- B Div. - 1960 Plank Owner - 29 May 2018
BMSN Ricky A. Curry -- 1st Div. - 1981/1985 - 18 June
FTM2 Charles Daily -- Fox Div. - 1963/1965 - December 2002
IC1 Gary Dale -- E Div. - 1970/1973
SH3 William Dufour -- S2 Div. - 1970/1974 - 1970 Plank
Owner - 2002
FA Willie Eccles, USN -- B Div. - Killed
defending a fellow crewman onboard USS PREBLE in 1968
Robert R. Edwards, USN (Ret.) -- ETC - OE Div. - 1971/1975 -
November 2004
BMCS Lea Egan, USN (Ret.) -- BMC - 1st
Div. - 1969/1973 - 1970 Plank Owner
OS1 Savoy Evans, USN (Ret.) -- OI Div. - 1989/1991 - 10 April 2020
ETCM Dennis Ferguson, USN (Ret.) -- ET1 - OE Div. - 1972/1975 - 1975 Plank Owner - 2 December 2020
CAPT Edward G.
Fitz-patrick, USN (Ret.) -- Preble's first CO - 1960/1961 - 1960
Plank Owner
Roger Fitzpatrick -- - - 1980/1982
MM2 Thomas A. Gaiger - M Div. - 1969/1971 - 1970 Plank Owner
FTCM Albert Gambetta, USN (Ret.) -- FTCM - CMC - 1977/1979 - 21 May 1994
RD2 Larry George -- OI Div. - 1962/1965 - Nov 2006
RADM Paul C. Gibbons, Jr., USN (Ret.) --
Preble's sixth CO - 1967/1969
ETN3 Kimball Gibson, USN
- OE Div. - 1972/1975 - 1975 Plank Owner - 20 May 2018
EMFN W.G. Goodrich, USN -- E Div. -
Killed in a car accident in San Diego, 1965
CDR Bruce G. Goodwin, USN (Ret) -- LT
- Operations Officer - 1960/1962 - 1960 Plank Owner
NCCS Edward L. Gosnell, USN (Ret,) -- Embarked Staff - 1971/1974
EM2 William R. Graham, USN -- Killed in a car accident in Hawaii - 1970
CSCS John C. Gray, USN (Ret.) -- S2 Div. - 1961/1963
BT2 Kenneth W. Grubb, USN -- B Div. -
Killed in a boiler explosion after leaving Preble.
GMG3 Jose Gutierrez, USN -- 3rd Div -
1969/1971 - 1998
FTM1 Steve Hahs, USN -- 4th
Div - 1979/1982 - 1 June 2015
STG3 Joe Hart, USN -- AS Div. - Lost at
sea about August 1966
RADM Kenneth G. Haynes, USN (Ret.) -- Preble's fifth CO - 1966/1967 - 11 March 2016
BTFN Danny Hill,
USN -- B Div. - 1971/1972 - Passed away at Midway Island Naval Station
enroute to Vietnam.
RD2 Garry B. Hodgson, USN -- Lost at sea 06/03/69 while serving aboard
USS Frank E. Evans DD-754
ENS(SC) Wilbur E. Hoffmann, USN -- Supply Dept. - 1960/1961 - 1960
Plank Owner
OSC Loyal Holtzinger, USN (Ret.) --
OS1 - OI Div - 1965/1968
BM2 Price Howard -- DM-20 - 1941/1945 - December 2004
FTGC (SW) Lawrence Ibarra, USN (Ret.)
-- FTGC - 2nd Div. - 1980/1982
MMFN Marcello Irizarry, USN -- MMFN -
M Div. - 1981/1983 - 1986
BT3 David "Jake" Jacobson, USN -- B Div. - 1960/1964 - 1960 Plank
Owner - December 2005
MMC Benjamin Jalacki, USN (Ret.) -- M Div. - 1960 Plank Owner - 1992
LCDR T.P. James -- LCDR - Weapons
Officer - 1966
PN3 LeRoy Jenner, USN -- OC Div. - Mid
ADM David Jeremiah
USN (Ret.) -- CDR - Preble's tenth CO - 1974/1976 - 07 October 2013
RM2 Mel Jurgens, USN -- OC Div. -
VADM Michael Kalleres, USN (Ret.) -- LCDR - XO - 1971/1973 - July 2010 - Bio
CAPT Edwin E Killinger,
USN (Ret.) - CDR - Preble's eleventh CO - 18 December 2016
OS2 Tracy Kirkpatrick, USN -- OI
Div. - 1979/1982 - May 2004
CAPT Kenan Knieriem, USNR (Ret.) -- LT - CIC Officer - 1977/1979 - 26 October 2011
BTCS Michael LaMariana,
USN (Ret.) -- BT1 - B Div. - 1981/1983 - 24 February 2012
MM2 Richard Lendner, USN -- M Div - 1960/1961 - 1960 Plank Owner -
April 2001
Roger Lawrence "Larry" Longseth, USN -- R Div. -
1960/???? - 1960 Plank Owner - 13 February 2012
GMG2 George McKinnis, USN -- 2nd Div
- 1973/1975 - March 1998
BT2 William
(Bill/Mac) McLaughlin, USN -- B Div. - 1981/1984 - 16 April 2020
TMC William C. Martin, USN (Ret.) -- 3rd Div. - 1960/1963 - 1960
Plank Owner
STGC Vernon Masters, USN (Ret.) -- 3rd Div. - 1974/1976 - 1975 Plank
RADM Robert E. Morris, USN (Ret.) --
LCDR - Executive Officer - 1965
Chester Multunas, USN -- 1960/1963 - 1960 Plank Owner - 2004
DS2 Robert Nartker, USN -- OD Div. -
YN2 Steven Naumann,
USN -- NX Div. - 1970/1974 - 15 Feb 2004
MMCS Ralph L. Nelson, USN (Ret.) -- A
Div. - 1965/1966
RMC Walter K.
Niggemeyer, USN (Ret.) -- OC Div. - 1976/1979 - 27 June 2010
BMC Robert E. Nolan, USN (Ret.) -- 1st
Div. - 1970/1973 - 1970 Plank Owner
MMCM Robert J. Normand, USN (Ret.)
-- MMCS - M Div. - 1963/1970 - 28 July 2005
LT Vincent B. O'Hara, USN (Ret.) -- WO1
- EMA - 1971/1975 - 19 September 2002
FTM2 Raymond Olsen, USN -- 4th Div. -
1977/1980 - 17 November 2003
RMCM Lynn R. Owen, USN (Ret.) -- RMCS - OC Div. -
~1981/1982 - 29 April 2010
CDR Henry R. Pedneault, USN (Ret.)
-- LCDR - Preble's first Executive Officer - 1960 Plank Owner - 14
February 1998
FT1 David Phillips, USN (Ret.) -- 4th Div. - 1978/1983 - 2008
GMGSN Tom Randle, USN-- 2nd Div.
ETCM Marvin J. Reagen,
USN (Ret.) -- ETCS - OE Div. - 1970/1071 - 1970 Plank Owner - 6
October 2008
GMCM Cris A. Relyea, USN (Ret.) --
GMCS - 4th Div. - 1977/1979 - 11 January 1997
CDR Nevin L. Rockwell -- LT -
Chief Engineer - 1960/1962 - 1960 Plank Owner
BTCM Morris "Rod:
Roddenberry, USN (Ret.) -- BTCS - 1977/1982 - May 2012
FT2 John
M. Roddy -- G Div - 1960/1962 - 1960 Plank Owner - 2004
HT2 Tim Rusinek -- R
Div. - 1979/1983 - 29 May 2015
CAPT Stuart T. Sadler, USN (Ret.) --
CDR - Preble's second Commanding Officer - 1961/1963 - 3 April 2006
SH3 Gerald Scott -- S1 Div. - 1960/1964
- 1960 Plank Owner - June 2001
Jim Smith -- A Div. - 1965/1967
RD2 Russell Smith -- OI Div. - 1960/1961 - 1960 Plank Owner - March
IC2 Allen D. Snyder -- R Div. - 1960/1963 - April
FN Verlyn N. "Buddy" Strickland -- M Div. - 1960/1964 - 1960 Plank
GMG2 Wesley A. Stoughton -- G Div. - 1966/1969 - July 2004
SK2 Earl Stephens, Jr -- S1 Div. - 1960 - 1963 - 1960 Plank Owner -- 2009
FTM2 William "Bubba"
Stevan -- 4th Div. - 1978/1983 - 28 March 2018
EM3 A.E. Strong, USN -- E Div. -
Killed in a car accident in San Diego, 1965
RADM Robert "Bob" Sutton, USN (Ret)
-- CAPT - Preble's 14th Commanding Officer - 1982/1984 - 16 November
SK2 Francis A. Sylve -- S Div. -
1970/1973 - 1970 Plank Owner - 13 May 1998
BMSN Ralph Uzee -- 1st Div. -
1963/1966 - 2002
PN1 Billy B. Vernon -- NX Div. - 1960/1962 - 1960 Plank Owner
MS1 Eugene A. Wamsley -- S2 Div. - 1960/1961 - 1960 Plank Owner - 29 February 2007
YNC Ronald E. Weaver,
USN (Ret.) -- YN1 - NX Division - 1969/1971 - 1970 Plank Owner
GMG Roger Webber -- G Division - 1965/?
SN Frank Weir -- 1st Div. - 1965/1967 -
April 2001
FTL2 Joseph Whalen -- 1960/1961 - 1960 Plank Owner - March
MT2 Gene Willey -- Fox Div. - 1960 Plank Owner - 28
September 2006
SM1 Norman Whittleton -- OC Div. - 1960/1961 - 1960 Plank Owner
LT Wayne Wilson --
Engineering Officer - 1970 Plank Owner - 1972/1973 timeframe
Eugene E. Wood
DSC Stanley "Bud" Vzatek -- OD Div. - 1972/75 & 1979/82 - August 2013
BT2 Joseph "Terry" Yaste -- B Div. - 1980/1983 - 30 May 2016
[ Quarterdeck ]
Copyright 1997 - 2022
Tom Bateman
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